Motivational quotes – Love not fear

Motivational quotes - love not fear
QOTW – 14/05/2018

Love vs fear

Acting out of, or from a place of fear is dangerous. From that place we make wrong and/or hasty decisions. Like jumping at the first job that comes along because of fear of not getting any job. Like responding unprofessionally or in anger in a situation where there has been unfair treatment. Like choosing to settle for less because “time isn’t on your side”. There are a myriad of scenarios, but in each our action/reaction isn’t based on truths we know about ourselves. Truths such as “I am the apple of God’s eye”, or the strengths, skills or character deep down we know we possess, but on falsehoods where those truths are forgotten because of the risen challenge. Operating from that place is filled with second guessing, confusion and placing ourselves last or without rank in order of importance or priority. Relief might be temporary but long term? Hmmm, not so satisfying.

Acting out of love on the other hand ……….. Well that can be scarier, really terrifying, but when we listen close enough, there’s an underlying peace. The challenge might not disappear immediately, or ever (entirely I mean). However the decision we end up with is ultimately the right one, is more intuitive, more aligned with our ideal destiny, gives greater peace of mind. There’s more advancement and progress, real progress.

Choose love

1 John 4:18 – “…… But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment”. Choosing love is better for us, for everyone. When facing the challenge let’s try weighing up our action/reaction against these questions:

  • “Would I give this same response on a good day?”
  • “Who ultimately wins if I do this?”
  • “Can I look at myself in the mirror when the dust settles and still be happy with my choice?”

I hope this resonates with someone. Don’t let fear win.

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