I hate boys!
This, was the strongly expressed sentiment of my looks like a teen, but a couple years to go daughter the other day.
“Anyway I hate boys!”
….As the words came out of her mouth, in my mind I had just sung an operatic “Hallelujah!”…
Shout out to football mums!
You know who you are – Mums of children who participate in a football club or team. In the spirit of diversity and inclusivity I’m extending this title to those with children who actively participate in some sporting activity either during a particular season, or year round.
Definition now clarified – Football season is upon us! Oh Lord, here we go again.
In my experience “football mums” fall into one of the following camps:
* Excited, live for this and can’t wait to get started
* Seriously dreading it
* Don’t give a damn whatsoever …