QOTW – Getting comfortable

Great motivational quotes for mums
Quote of the week - 29/01/18


Are you sitting comfortable-y?

Adorable fact for you finest mums, especially those of you with younger ones.

The second you get yourself comfortable, that's when your precious prince or princess wants something or another, from you. Amazing how this rule works even in a room full of other very capable bodies, who could just as easily manage the task at hand as you can.

Drives us crazy sometimes, but it's a reminder of how much they love us (cheeky monkeys), and that we love them to pieces such that we're willing to come out of our own comfort (sometimes grudgingly) for their sake.


Good luck with grabbing your comfortable moments whenever you can this week.


PS* Thanks to one of our finest mums Uc, who spotted and shared this quote with us. If you have or spot one you'd like to share as a feature on this blog, please drop us an email at [email protected]

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