An Honest Look at You - working through changes pt2
Look at everything you have written. Do you see any correlations between who you were, and who you are now? How "lost" are you really? Is it a matter of prioritizing better to make sure you are just as important as the other members of your home?
You are not gone; you just need more attention than you may have been giving yourself.
An Honest Look at You - working through changes pt1
Have you noticed that when you make that first commitment to marry the person of your dreams something changes in you? Sometimes it's for the better and sometimes the changes make you wonder. Who is that woman that I see in the mirror now? Who have I become?
How to do a fabulous 5 minute "Mum on the go" makeup
You know the story all too well by now finest mums. No time to do your makeup. Why? Because you're busy getting the kids ready, busy cooking, busy cleaning, busy adult playing with....., you know.
Well, help is at hand in the form of a truly finest mum, Ugochi.
5 mental health tips for mums
14th - 20th May 2018 is officially Mental Health Awareness week in the UK. Put simply, it's a call out to society to be more mindful and aware about stress. For mums in general I believe we are at great risk of developing serious mental issues.
What is an African woman abroad?
I feel like i've been talking about and debating this question a lot this week - what is an African woman? However, I feel it would be remiss of me not to pen a few words about it here..
No 1 tip for a happier life - Be You
This life is full of a lot of craziness. So to be happy and save yourself from all that craziness, just be you.
Easter is....
Leading up to this important day and time of the year I started reflecting on what my view of Easter is, and how it has changed over the years. Follow me as I recall my evolution on this, and present it to you in a few words.
In celebration of Mother's Day
With International Women's Day just recently celebrated (I hope the day was well marked and celebrated wherever you were in the world), we now look forward to Mother's Day.
Celebrating African mums just because....
A shout out just because we like to celebrate women and mums especially. We often feel like we have to have a special and formal reason to do so, but I don't agree....
Spotlight on an Africanfinestmum
This post is a simple one. It's simply about shining a spotlight on one Africanfinestmum. Today's highlight is on Mrs. Marlene UC Abuah..
Yay Meghan! African princess
Go gurl go!
So Meghan Markle is in line to become the next English princess. I am loving it, for a whole lot of reasons. I love a good love story, and one that.....
Getting ready for Christmas -Africanfinestmums tips
With the Christmas countdown in hyperdrive (this is a bit late sorry as some people started theirs in August), and with so many Christmas tips going around, with the help of some other African finest mums I've compiled some of our top tips.......
Reminds me of mum
What do you see when you look at these flowers? Bright red hue, nice surroundings, summer day, leafy palm? For me, these flowers reminds me of my mum.
My mum's alive and well thank God, but I live in a different country with my husband and children so don't get to see her anywhere as often
Mama So and So
Growing up it was the norm to recognise or address certain women not by their own name but that of their child or husband. There were many aunts, neighbours or women I knew in my community who were Mama Elena, Mama Ifeoma, Mama Isaac. Others were
Feeling fly Ms Thang
Mschew. Look at me, feeling cool. I was feeling myself o, loving the bright colour of my top, and how the ensemble looked on me. It was just something......